About Me

Hi, I’m Daniel

My  Story

I was living a successful, privileged, & boring life.
• Graduated from college.
• Nice 9-5 in tech.
• Stable Income

Life was good.  My ego wanted more.

I dreamed of exciting jobs of travel, influence and status

Next Year, I landed my Dream Job.
• A coveted startup from the Valley
• High impact Work.
• Ivy league Colleagues.
• Relocation to abroad

It was everything I wanted.

6 Months in my health imploded:
• Anxiety attacks in the shower
• Chest Pains
• Waking up gasping & sweating
• Had a day I did not recognize my partner

My dream job became a nightmare.

Lies I told myself:
• I was working 14 hour days + weekends. (Lawyers & Wall Street do this ! I was building ‘Grit’)
• Intense deliverables (Yeah but thats what I wanted. ‘Impact’) • Lost Interests in Hobbies & Friends (Good. Means I’m Serious) …

So was I just weak?

After a pro-cons list & honest conversation with my partner, I realized this was not the life for me. 

I quit my dream job in less than a year in. It was the hardest & best decision I made.

Since then, I’ve spent 1000+ hrs researching books, podcasts and talks on how to find fulfilling work.

Here’s what I found:
• You don’t find it.
• You craft it

I’m here to share those learnings and steps you can take in your life 

Contact me

You had me at ‘Hello World’

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